Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Dr. Tara Downes reviewed the background of the Blueprint Plan, summarized progress, and identified strengths and challenges. Dr. Downes reviewed the timeline for upcoming submissions. She went into detail as to how CCPS vision, goals, and strategic plan, align with Blueprint including aligning funding and resources, regular communication and collaboration among committees, stakeholder feedback, expanding partnerships, collaboration across departments to best support all students, professional development and growth opportunities for staff, funding challenges, and monitoring progress toward the goals of Blueprint.
Blueprint Implementation Response Report
Dr. Simmons provided the Board Legislative Update, highlighting the following bills:
HB196 / SB724 Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts: Requires every school bus purchased on or after October 1, 2024 to be equipped with seat belts that are accessible to passengers for every seat on the school bus. Likewise, every school bus in operation before October 1, 2024, must have seat belts that are accessible to passengers installed for every seat on the school bus by October 1, 2026.
Dr. Simmons advised there are multiple concerns with this bill including liability if students remove or refuse to wear the seatbelt, as well as the safety concerns in any kind of emergency for getting students out quickly and safely.
SB 984 Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations: Requiring the Secretary of Labor to prioritize activities, programs, and services that contribute to meeting a certain statewide goal when administering the business of the Maryland Department of Labor; requires the State Board of Education, rather than the AIB, to approve certain specifications of teachers for spending time outside the classroom and approving when a career ladder has become effective; etc.
Dr. Simmons shared that this bill makes some changes to Blueprint, including dual enrollment, limiting what courses qualify and how many a student can take, and changing the authority from the AIB to the State Board of Education.
HB1336 / SB1077 Public Schools - Appropriations for School Safety Expenditures - School Security Employees: Alters the allocation of certain grant funds to be based on student enrollment; and authorizing local school systems to use certain funds for school security employees.
The bill sought to expand funding for school safety but the way it was originally submitted actually caused the majority of the Eastern Shore counties to lose funding. Dr. Simmons was asked to provide feedback from the sponsor of this bill, and his suggestions were included in the amendment, making it more beneficial to the students.